Corporate Advisory
Business & Marketing Solutions
About Us

Growing your business
Ventouras Consulting specialises in bringing solutions to corporations across Australia. We work as a team with our clients to ensure that we understand their needs and then combine a range of specialist skills to provide a unique and specially tailored solutions package for their particular requirements.
We can assist with the following:
Recapitalising and Restructuring (R&R)
Backdoor listings (also called Reverse Takeover's - RTO's)
Initial Public Offerings (IPO's)
Merger & Acquisitions (M&A)
Corporate Identity Development (CID) - including branding, logo design, web site creation, printing services and more
Communication Strategies, investor relations, trade shows
Marketing Plans and Strategy
Business Planning
New Product Development
Browse our site or contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation achieve its goals and objectives.